Saturday, December 4, 2010

auction day - 19 June 2010

Worth noting, this is  NOT the day the house sold...oh was never going to be that easy! I have come to believe there is no such thing as a mortgagee auction, it is a tool used to gain interest and the reserve set on the property is hugely unrealistic and the process then takes on a normal sales and purchase negotiating saga. This was the case with us.

Being totally green to house buying we went along and arranged finance for around what the real estage agent thought the property would go for, we were so naive in this that we gave no leeway if bidding were to go higher...haha....hindsight (sigh)....anyhow along to the auction we went, with our limit no higher than what we had organised and as you might guess, the bidding got there within a matter of seconds!!!

We were so pumped and shattered at the same time, there really was only one other serious bidder and us, the other guy bailed out before us and as the property didn't hit reserve we got the first opportunity to put in the first offer.....omg.....what to do?!?!?!? I believe it was at this point we felt things slipping away, we had already topped our top offer and didn't realise at the time we had a bit of flexability to go higher so we put our offer in just above what our top bid was, purely because we felt we had to do something. We left feeling really rotten, at this point we hadn't even told the kids what we were doing in case it fell over as it appeared to be doing. The agent then took the offer back to the trust, which took days to come back and reject it and again asking for the reserve price. We checked in again the mortgage guy who then confirmed we could go quite a bit higher, so another offer was put in, again, nowhere near their reserve, days go by and that offer was rejected but they came down 5 grand which the agent said was unusual that early in negotiations. Starting to feel quite good at this point until......we are told there is another offer on the table, and now have to sign a multi offer form and up our offer......this is all starting to get a bit yuck by now so up the offer we did, getting close to what we can go to, in fact we only had one more offer up our sleeve, days and days went by without hearing anything, house is slipping away, not gonna happen, get over it and get on with it we are thinking.....but out of the blue the phone call comes saying offer was accepted and what happened after that I really can't remember, things just started moving at a rapid pace and life was never the same again!

Telling the kids was fun, they have only ever lived in the Park Ave area, so moving down to Taita was going to change a few things, mostly they would now have to bus to school. Rachelle had been to the open home with us so knew the house and what condition it was in. We waited til dinnertime and slowly tried to introduce the subject. Brent, bless him just blurted out "Your mother has some news" GOOD ONE DAD!         

So I calmly try to announce that there is indeed some good news and it involves another shift, their eyes rolled back into their heads and the moaning started, I pointed out that it was good because we were actually buying the place and not another rental, they are starting to look more excited, at this point I am trying to find the words to soften the blow of Taita and they are not coming so I just simply say "it's the house I grew up in" I really don't think I need to tell you Rachelle's reaction :) However, after some discussion (?) they did come to see that this was overall better for all of us and that they now have a better inheritance from us than they would have had if we had not done this at all. Sometimes you just have to speak their language and in this case it was how many clothes they could buy when we are gone!

We have recently since found out that our offer was only $1000 higher than the other and that his wife had told him to put the offer in for the amount we did.......that poor poor man.....wife is pretty miffed apparently...oh well.

So there you have it, auction day June 19, settlement on house 16 July. People tell us that this is very fast in regards to house buying, well all I know is it sure didn't feel like that!

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