Saturday, December 25, 2010


As in previous years our christmas starts on christmas eve when we have our traditional turkey dinner. With christmas being on a saturday this year, friday at work was manic and I was exhausted before I even started, however it was nice to eventually sit down and enjoy all the trimmings. The kitchen/dining set up at the moment was not really suited as it meant we would be sitting in the kitchen with the bombshell that is left behind when cooking one of these dinners! The solution then was to bring in the big BBQ table and set it up in the lounge, Yes, this was the easiest option as bringing in the big dining table from the kitchen would have meant taking off it's legs to do so and it all became a bit too hard. So inside the BBQ table came and did a grand job!

Mum had made a pav and despite it's rough journey to get to the end result (little tip mummy.....always check the beater is attached properly before turning on, apparently they can make a little bit of a mess if you don't....but I think you know this now aye ;)

Anyhow here are the photos, I apologise in advance on Rachelle's behalf, I have no idea what was going on with her but she seemed to have an attraction for the camera and the need to be right in it's face.

So now onto christmas day....

It started around 7am as seems to be the norm and as also seems to be the norm we were waiting on Hayely to get up. Brent did a sterling job of handing out the pressies and everyone seems to be very pleased with what they got.

The weather was looking fantastic, that ugly wind that had been hanging around had dropped right off and the sun was shining. Perfect day for the BBQ that was to follow. As I thought there was a bit of time before everyone arrived I started doing some catch up things, painting the gate being one of them and Mum was out weeding my garden!! Seems I got the timing wrong on things and the BBQ end of things was to start earlier......oh well, down tools and get cracking!

The weather held up pretty well but the wind started to make another appearance and it seems everyone copped a bit of sun/wind burn, it was quite deceptive as no one realised at the time they were burning.  It was a good day with plenty of tucker and a really nice way to spend christmas day.

As I am doing this  it is blowing a howling gale outside, we were so so lucky with that break in the weather yesterday!!!


                                            HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!


  1. I have just noticed there are no pics of Irene, Robynne, Tyson and Eden. These pics were taken earlier in the day and although the camera was around somewhere it didn't get picked up again. I am kicking myself for that as I made the comment to Brent that we must get photos of the Pukekohe crowd while they are down :(

  2. Looks like a great time was had by all - imagine how fill it would be if all of the Houlahan's were there as well - a skeery thought! LOL! I love seeing all of the photos - thanks for posting them Deb! Happy New Year to you Brent and the girls! {{{hugs}}}
